It is quite a lure to be told that there is a local bar in town with a “Cheers like” atmosphere, “where everybody knows your name” . I had gone to that bar for over two years and I loved it, and it was a Cheers like atmosphere and everybody DID know my name, and it was fun to hang out, listen to the Karaoke and the people there are fun and generally lovely to hang out with. I especially love the bartenders there, they are awesome. However, I happened to fall in love with the bouncer, Jeff Mallery. I had no idea that he was a sexual predator who preys on women and children until after we were married. I happened to google his name and found that he had been brought up on child molestation charges in Washington County in 2012, but was acquitted (doesn’t mean he was innocent), however when I looked into the case and confronted him, he confessed to me his guilt. He told me that he had a preference for young girls and that he needed to actually physically hurt women during sex to get a “stress relief” he called it. I had no idea what a sexual sadist was, but he admitted that he is a true sadist and a sex addict when we researched the symptoms together. After awhile women began contacting me and detailing things that he had done to them and I was horrified. I realized that he was using the bar as his hunting grounds for intoxicated women. He especially targets new female members and then later brags to everyone that he had sex with them. During my visits to this bar I was always offered cocaine or heroin in the women’s bathroom so I know that this bar has vulnerable women at all times on the premises and Jeff uses that to his advantage. He would offer to drive women home and abuse them and they wouldn’t report him because they were intoxicated and it’s a he said she said sort of thing and he knows this. In my memoir I will feature my experiences with this bar and my husband. I feel that it is my duty to make the public aware and possibly save another woman from being abused by him.
This is the bar